Partnerships until 2030

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said at the congressional hearing: “We have every reason to believe that the Russians will continue to work on the International Space Station and, of course, we hope that they will continue to work with us until 2030.”

He told the media that although there are problems around Ukraine, he believes that Russia will continue to fulfill its responsibility for the protection of the International Space Station until 2030. Friendship was forged between the astronauts, the Moscow Flight Control Center and Houston, and the two sides planned to continue to cooperate on the issue of the replacement of the members of the expedition team.

Previously, the U.S. government had announced plans to operate the International Space Station until 2030. Rogozin, president of Roscosmos, said that the Russian space group will submit a document on the future of the International Space Station. Rogozin noted that even if it decides not to continue cooperation after 2024, Russia will fulfill all its international obligations with respect to the International Space Station.

International Space Station

International Space Station

Russian astronauts in space

Russian astronauts in space

Cooperation with China

In an interview with CGTN, Dmitry Rogozin, president of Roscosmos, said that Russia and China can jointly build modules for the Tiangong orbital station. He noted that Russia and China “can act together” in the field of manned spaceflight.

“To be friends in space, you must first be friends on Earth, and Russia and China are friends on Earth,” Rogozin said. He added that both sides could discuss co-construction modules.

Chinese space station

Chinese space station

Jiao Weixin, a professor at the School of Earth and Space Sciences at Peking University, commented in an interview with the Satellite News Agency on the future prospects of Sino-Russian space that the joint efforts of Chinese and Russian experts can provide a strong impetus for the construction of Chinese stations.


[1]Bill Nelson: I believe Russia will continue cooperation on the International Space Station before 2030(

[2]Roscosmos president: decision has been made on when to withdraw from the ISS project – April 30, 2022, Sputnik (

[3]Russia is willing to deepen space cooperation with China – April 6, 2022, Sputnik (

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  1. Hope to see that

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